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Help Support the MBCA

The MBCA was established to support our local captains and fishermen, and to ensure their voices are heard by the federal and state authorities who regulate the fisheries we rely upon to harvest fish and earn a living.

We have developed and maintained relationships with our state legislators, and we rely upon them to help amplify our collective voices.

It is also critically important that we have the backing of the people who depend on us. This includes our families, but also our friends and customers. Those who pay a fare to fish on board one of our charter or party boats should understand how fishery regulations impact their ability to go home with a catch. Likewise, for those who buy fresh fish at a local market, it’s essential to understand how these regs impact our commercial fishing fleet and their ability to move fish from the ocean and into your hands.

The petition below is regarding the current striped bass situation and the particular impact the new regs have on our for-hire fleet. Your signature supports our efforts demanding more reasonable regulations, as well as the need for dialogue with not only the MBCA, but all of our east coast captain’s associations, prior to the implementation of regulation changes. Please support us and add your name to this petition.